
Directions: Type “[your first name] is” (with the quotes) into a Google search then pick out your favorite responses. Trevor is the epitome of the archetypal mad scientist. Trevor is an exceptionally close-knit district of people… Come and see why Trevor is right for your family! Trevor is more “African” than any other student attending …

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It seems I am one of many Austinites who have recently discovered the Austinist. They have a rather amusing Guy’s Guide to Snaggin an Austin Hipster (and more recently, a Girl’s Guide). I’m not sure about the snaggin’ advice, but the Austin Hipster Girl profiles are dead on…

Triumph at the MJ Trial

This is absofuckinlutely the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time: Triumph the Insult Dog at the Michael Jackson Trial. It’s even better than the time Triumph interviewed Star Wars geeks waiting in line for Attack of the Clones.